My sister reminds me that there are things that need to be said and heard, and that it isn't always the right thing to do to 'keep it to yourself'. She doesn't know that's what we talked about, the subject was a bit less esoteric, and yet the message I got was 'write more'.
All my conversations with others today have had a similar theme, so now I must pay attention. You know, when the message is repeated and comes at you in lots of different ways, either it's something you need to hear and haven't yet or it's something you're listening for and are now ready to take it in. Well, ok.
For today I want to say this: Take time to reflect on life. Do it often; do it with purpose. Look for that place, that thing, that way that you are that feels good and right. Look for the 'perfect bite', when everything comes together and for a moment life is magical. Usually this is accompanied by a small smile to yourself when you realize what has happened. No one else will really understand, and you will know.
Keep breathing.