Friday, January 20, 2012


It is late; or early.  I'm not sure which.  I couldn't get to sleep, and when I finally decided to get up, I looked outside.  The sky is so clear, I can see Orion without my glasses.  I can also see a million other stars.  There is no moon.  It is still.  Somewhere, not too far away, somone I love is in pain and I can't help.  I don't know how to reassure.  I can't repair what has happened, or even make it better.  It is what it is.  What can I offer right now?  Nothing tangible, really.  I can pray that a miracle has occurred and that our worst fears do not come true; that in the light of day, loved ones are safe and whole.  Where can we find peace in this?  What is the lesson and why must it be so harsh?  My only consolation is that my friend is not alone tonight.  I hope that she is resting in preparation for whatever news we hear in the morning.  Maybe that's all I can do as well; maybe all I can do to help, is to be ready.

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