So, it's Veteran's Day. My father's service was during WWII where he served in the motorpool in Texas and Japan after the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. He didn't talk much about his time. I'm guessing he didn't want to think about it. He moved forward, and there was nothing in my childhood that made me think that he was anything less than whole as he was gentle and kind to us kids. He was funny and smart and a work-a-holic... maybe that was how he dealt with his experience. I don't know. He just seemed like a regular, nice guy to me.
To this day, I cannot accept the need for a military, or for war. I do appreciate that people put themselves physically, emotionally, mentally and morally at risk every day for a purpose larger than themselves. That is what I am thankful for today... We all want a better world. Thank you Roger, and Dawn, and Susan N. and Mickey and Hoy and the hundreds of other people I know who did your part in service and now do your part every day to make the world a better place, right where you are - wherever that happens to be.
Wayne Burley - 1914-1996 |
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