Friday, May 2, 2014

Fear - that's still here?

Yes, well, of course.  Fear lurks around us all the time, and this is what I know:  it is my job to see it. It is my job to name it.  It is my job to honor it as a message from my life that I have a chance to grow.  I am grateful for my fear, as it lets me know that I am at the edge of my life 'up until now'.  There is something greater than my current circumstances that is calling me forward.  The unknown can become known, the unexperienced can be experienced.  A limited life can become unlimited when we decide to say Yes, Of Course.  "Navigate into the storm, do it afraid."  I know that I am not alone; I know that my limitless life is beyond that storm, waiting patiently for me to arrive.
Albert Einstein said; "Match the frequency of the reality that you want, and it must be yours.  It can be no other way.  This is not philosophy, this is physics."  I want an expansive life, a possibility life, a life of abundant health, wealth and service.  I will match THAT frequency.

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