Saturday, May 31, 2014

Life's Little Events

My mother is now 95.  She lives alone and drives now and then.  She lives in a very small town and knows where she's going.  She still keeps the house clean and has found reliable folks to care for her yard and do big projects around the house.  She sometimes uses the internet and has an iPhone on which she takes pictures and writes the occasional text.  She's pretty groovy.

Her brother died in World War II trying to save his plane from an enemy attack on the airstrip in the South Pacific.  Memorial Day is always a big day for her, as she remembers him as her big brother and best childhood friend.  We talked about how letting go is the best memorial... That holding on and dwelling on things that can't be changed end up poisoning your life and holding you back from really living the life that person would want you to live.

So, we move on... Knowing that each life event, whether it feels big or little at the time is just that - a life event.  Things happen all the time that change us; make us stronger or weaker, richer or poorer, smarter or not.  We put these things into the perspective of a life to be lived as a whole, not just a series of random events.  We incorporate each thing into a larger context and see what there is to learn.  The events are the threads we weave together sometimes skillfully, sometimes with great effort and sketchy results.  Nonetheless, a whole life emerges.  Every now and then, on birthdays and Memorial Days or any day, it helps to stop for a minute and look at life as the big whole thing... And be grateful for all of it.

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