Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Join the Conversation

I am delighted to have been found by someone from my past who is nearly a complete stranger.  The best thing about this is, she is willing and able to enter into conversation that goes beyond 'what's up?'  Or maybe I can say that she is willing to discuss the "what's up" that's a bit more important than what we've been doing for the past two+ decades.  As we enter into this conversation about each of our own life journeys I am pleased that the words 'spiritual life' and 'truth' and 'study' are being used.  Each of us is learning to live... it is a lifelong study of the apparent, the invisible, the possible and the real.  Where are the commonalities?  Everywhere.  How are we alike?  In more ways than you might imagine.  I bask in the possibility that there are more people out there who are hungry for the conversation.

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