Sunday, February 16, 2014

Partners in Believing

One of the main life transforming ideas I teach is that we need partners in believing to reach our goals.  So many times we try to make it on our own, resist asking for help, and keep our anxieties about money, relationships and success to ourselves.

Why do we do this?  A couple of things that come to mind are pride, competitiveness, fear of failure, or fear of exposing weakness to others.  These are not natural conditions for human beings!  Those are all fear-based ideas.  Your partners in believing look past your pride, do not compete with you, support you when you fail and hold your vulnerabilities gently... these are the people you want close.

You know how it feels to be completely accepted, loved and honored.  You can surround yourself with those who offer you that.  You know who these people are right now.  Let them know you appreciate them.

Many of you who are getting this message are my partners in believing, and I thank you for that now.  :)  Thanks for being there!

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