Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Doing the right thing is generally good policy

Bob Schiefer said that last night while talking about how the president handled the Sandy situation.  Working with the Republican governor of New Jersey to get aid to those most affected by the storm.  This should be how things operate all the time.  Our leadership at all levels have a responsibility to work together to benefit all those whom they represent.  I now "all" is a big word, but maybe, just maybe those issues that don't affect everyone aren't issues that should be dealt with by the government.  Maybe we should stick to the big things there... basic food, clothing and shelter for everyone, health care, local and national safety and relationships with other countries on the planet.  Maybe doing the right thing is staying out of people's personal lives, like staying out of religion [we KIND of do that], staying out of marriage customs, not criminalizing drug use... Maybe I'm simplifying, but it should at least be considered.  In each of our own lives, doing the right thing is generally good policy.

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