Sunday, August 4, 2013


As some of you may know, I am not the biggest proponent of marriage for anyone.... Straight, gay or otherwise inclined.  I haven't experienced many long term marriages in which both partners are happy and loving toward each other a majority of the time.  At best, most couples in the marriage contract tolerate each other after the first several years and become highly skilled at compromise (never good for the soul). I am always cautiously optimistic when I learn that my friends are getting married and I love how happy they are at their weddings.  If all couples had to stay together for 10 years (a completely arbitrary number; my first instinct was to say 30 years) before they got married, I think there would be a lot fewer divorces.
The celebrations of the first same-sex couples in Minnesota that particularly touch me are those of the couples who have been together for 30+ years.  You gotta know those folks are committed and likely still in love.  The public recognition and legitimacy now afforded these people is marriage should be.  Of course if we made everyone wait 10 years, there might also be fewer children. Which might not be a bad thing either, given the global population problem.  Don't get me started on that...
Sunday morning mind ramblings.....always a crap-shoot.

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