Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Your Circle of Friends

We all have social connections, and I don't mean Facebook or other social media [like blogging... ;)].  We all have people in our lives who are family, or who knew us when we were younger, college roommates, people we went to AA with, 'drinking buddies', best friends, new acquaintances, teachers, partners, all that.  Every day we may or may not interact with one or more of them.  There are hundreds of people who populate our lives.  Take a look at who they are, what they bring to your life, what demands they place on you.  Tend to this group of fellow souls as you would to a garden.  Nurture and feed those that offer the most, and weed out gently those who offer nothing that you want or hinder your progress.  Keep those closest to you who fill your heart and lift your spirit.


Anonymous said...

Isn't it really about living with intention?


Unknown said...

Certainly if you intend to have amazing people around you, you will have them. Non-amazing need not apply, you will seem boring to them anyway. :)