Monday, December 19, 2011

That was grim

So, that Death posting was kind of grim, huh?  Sorry.  The thing I remember best about people in my life who have died, is that there is always something humorous going on, too.  Some stupid little thing that falls apart, or gets messed up, and everyone has a good laugh like... "that figures...  <enter the name of the person who has just passed> would have just peed his/her pants if that had happened when s/he was alive."  You know what I mean.  In my experience, the people who really love us never really leave.  They hang around and let you know that they are present when you need a little feedback or reassurance.  I always smile when I think of those who have died with whom I was close.  I sometimes cry, and it's always because I'm happy.  One of my kids went with me to visit a friend's aunt who was dying.  He saw her, and when it was a good time, he said "She's getting ready to die."  An 8 year old saw it, understood and summed it up quite nicely.  He saw her as still being in charge of what was coming.  All I could say was, "Yes".  Of course.

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