Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Stress and the Centered Being

We have all heard the phrase about being grounded, or feeling grounded.  What does that mean, really?  Does it mean that our feet are firmly planted on a solid surface from which we cannot be moved?  Does it mean that we feel really certain about something?  Does it mean that we are just plain sure of ourselves and our position in life?  Is being centered the same?  I don't know, and I've heard the two terms used to express similar states of being.  So if we are centered/grounded, then our stress level must be low.  As centered persons, we know who we are [our solid ground], we know that certain things are true for us, and that we hold our spaces in the world with love, integrity and compassion.  I challenge anyone to have a high level of stress, and know those things at the same time.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I have returned to the moment too moment phenomenon. It's not really so mysterious. Without past and future influence, I find myself grounded in the now. I thought getting back to the now would require me to completely change my patterns of thinking and processing, but it hasn't. I had lived without stress interfering in my life for many years and it's a great relief to come back full circle. I have returned to the quietness that has brought the peace back and it's a beautiful thing.

Anonymous said...

How do we find peace?

Unknown said...

I think it feels different for everyone, and practicing some sort of centering activity helps. Sitting still for a minute and just breathing, focusing on one thing in your life that is good and true and makes you happy, maybe even just closing your eyes and consciously making your mouth into a smile. For an instant, for a moment, for a minute there is calm and joy. Peace doesn't have to be a big thing like "world peace", it can be simply your peace. There is no way to calculate how valuable personal peace and remembering to create peaceful moments for yourself can be.

Unknown said...

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